The First Two Weeks
1) Visit any Sacramento Public Library branch and get a Teacher Card. While you're there, find out how to order a Subject in a Box, check out a STEM kit, and other great library resources for homeschoolers.
2) Explore Sacramento and beyond! Take time to get out and discover our fabulous region. Visit a new museum, one of the 222 parks just within the city of Sacramento, wander a farmer's market and sample something new to you. If you're looking to get out of the heat, take a day trip and explore the Gold Country. Homeschooling gives you time to dabble, to get up close and personal and to visit places during their least busy times.
3) Get started typing! Learn online through Dance Mat and Then challenge each other to multiplayer games like SkyChase. Older kids will also love games like ClockWords.
4) Join our private Facebook page for PACT: KOURT. Get the latest PACT news, plan a meet-up with other families, or join one in progress! Ask your adviser for more info.
5) Take a placement test for math and reading. These placement tests will help you figure out where to go next, where your child may struggle and what to reinforce before moving on.
Math Mammoth Placement tests (Grades K-7)
Saxon Placement Tests- K-3 4th and up
Reading/Phonics (this is not aligned with PACT curriculum options but will help you find out what your student knows)
6) Make a menu, shop and cook. Working together as a team to create a meal in your family's budget is a fun way to get hands on with math, life skills and teamwork. For older kids, give them a budget and challenge them to research a region and create an entire menu planned around their research. Younger kids can learn and practice fine and gross motor skills with pouring, cutting, stirring and washing dishes.
7) Become makers. Turn your kids loose with a pile of boxes and cardboard. Let them imagine and create. When they're done, encourage them to write or tell you a story about their creations. Why did they build what they built? What does it do? What would they do next if they had unlimited materials?
8) Talk about goals. What are your goals for your children this year? What are your goals as a teacher? Ask your kids about their goals. Even our youngest kindergarteners are encouraged to set individual goals in academic areas and outside of school as well. Your six year old may really want to learn to ride a bike or your twelve year old may be most interested in programming her own computer game. Use this opportunity to find out what your children are truly passionate about and help them investigate ways to grow.
9) Institute family reading time. If you don't already have it, set a time each day where your entire family drops everything and reads. Anything counts- from the magazine you were saving for later to the comic book your kids just picked up. Kids of all ages can also benefit from family read-aloud time! Why read aloud when your kids can read to themselves? It's great for opening new discussions, working through challenging times and learning more about characters and how people think. You can find a list of suggested read aloud books here.
10) Play new board games! Even if your curriculum isn't in, you can check out games from the PACT library. Stop by to see all of our new collection and enjoy playing to learn!